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How to Learn from MillerKnoll’s CEO

Do you ever feel like your boss or CEO is expected to be perfect and make all the right decisions? Recent events at MillerKnoll have shown us that they are only human after all, and sometimes they make mistakes too. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what we can learn from MillerKnoll’s unfortunate trending event and how to create a positive work environment for your team.

CEO’s are Human
It’s easy to forget that even CEO’s are human and have their own flaws and imperfections. Andi Owen, the CEO of MillerKnolls, faced backlash for her insensitive response to employee inquiries about their bonuses. While she may have been trying to motivate her staff, her analogy missed the mark and offended many employees. As leaders, we need to be mindful of our words and actions and always strive to create a positive work environment for our team.

Employees are the backbone of any company, and they deserve to be compensated fairly for their hard work. Incentives play a crucial role in employee satisfaction and motivation. Without proper compensation and recognition, employees may feel undervalued and unmotivated to go above and beyond for the company’s success. This is why it’s important for companies to have a clear compensation and growth plan in place for each employee.

The Future You Want
Employee retention is a growing concern for companies. Many employees have experienced the frustration of working hard without seeing any clear path for growth or compensation. Especially in today’s work era, employees are moving from one company to another to try and find their fit and a place they feel valued and can belong.

Creating a culture of support and value is vital for companies to thrive. MillerKnoll now has a lot of work to do to make up for the words that were spoken and employees that probably started going back to job boards.. Learn from MillerKnoll’s unfortunate event and strive to create a positive work environment with proper incentives and a clear path for growth and compensation for each employee.

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